Sen. Rand Paul Stops Dems from their $40 Billion Ukraine Aid

Republican Sen. Rand Paul continues to fight against the twisted dems’ politically motivated agendas. 

The Biden administration has put us through inflation, oil price hikes, and food shortages. Now, they want to take more federal funds for themselves… and they’re using Ukraine to push through their plans. 

This May, Paul took issue with the liberals’ $40 billion aid package for Ukraine. Good thing our patriot leader was able to keep America from further economic loss.

Paul Stops the $40B Ukraine Aid Package

The dems in the US Senate joined forces to pass a $40 billion aid for Ukraine. Fortunately, Sen. Paul was able to put a halt to this movement with his disapproval.

Paul has caused significant headaches for the liberals. He demands the legislation to require an inspector general to oversee the spending on Ukraine. Without Paul’s agreement, the Senate will follow a lengthy process stipulated by the chamber’s arcane rules.

This agitated dem Sen. Chuck Schumer. The liberal insisted that the package should be ready for implementation. He said, “The package is ready to go; the vast majority of senators on both sides of the aisle want it.”

Then, Schumer tried pushing through by telling everyone that Ukraine desperately needed their help. But in reality, the liberals just want to bag more money for themselves. He added, “If Sen. Paul persists in his reckless demands … all he will accomplish is to delay desperately-needed Ukraine aid single-handedly.”

Schumer doesn’t want anyone to inspect them because the liberals are up to something. If no corruption is taking place, why are the dems hesitant to have an overseeing entity?

Sen. Paul believes that the dems are spending more and need to be stopped. Before formally blocking the aid package, he said, “This is the second spending bill for Ukraine in two months. And this bill is three times larger than the first. Congress just wants to keep on spending, and spending.”

The Ukraine Aid Package is ‘Not Wise’

The patriot senator shared more of his thoughts. Paul told Newsmax this May that the deficit places the US in a tough position. 

The patriot leader believes that the US doesn’t have $40 billion… and has trillions in debt. He said, “I think my main concern is that we don’t have the $40 billion. We’re running a debt over the last two years over $6 trillion … so we don’t have $40 billion.”

He also thinks that the US will only borrow money, and it won’t be wise. Paul added, “We have to borrow that money from China, or the Federal Reserve prints it up, and then we send it to Ukraine. But what this does is cause more inflation in our country because we’re borrowing more money. So I just don’t think it’s wise.”

What Sen. Rand Paul is doing is he’s saving America from further economic loss. America has suffered enough because the administration is spending too much beyond its capabilities.

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One Thought to “Sen. Rand Paul Stops Dems from their $40 Billion Ukraine Aid”

  1. mzaz

    I don’t care if they are dem or republicans, they all were hired to work for us, WE THE PEOPLE. We pay their salaries. We pay their securit yet they wsnt ti disarm us. They are there to do our bidding not their agendas. I wish there were more patriots like Rand Paul, Sen John Kennedy, Matt Gates, tom Cotton etc.
    Beijing China Joe is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. If he would sign the oil leases instead of shitti g them down and OPEN THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE, gas wouldnt havehon to 5 bucks a gal.
    Close the BORDER. ILLEGAL ALIENS are living better then AmericansAmericans.if anyone tbing Beijing China Joe cares about America or Americans, you have a few loose screws.
    Monkeypox?? Just in time for midterm elections. I hope after 2020 your eyes are open to their cheating.

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